Kootenay Lake and especially the Crawford Bay alluvial fan (Birds of Crawford Bay Wetlands) is a valuable link in a chain of wetlands extending from the Arctic Ocean to California including the globally recognized Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area which is second only to the coast as a flyway route for numbers of migrating waterfowl. It provides migratory and permanent habitat for at least 92 bird species, including many ducks and geese, Sora, Bittern and Warbling Vireo and increasing numbers of Trumpeter Swans, blue or red-listed species such as the Great blue Heron, Western Screech Owl, Bald Eagle and more. The increasingly rare stands of Black Cottonwoods (Populus balsamifera ssp. Trichocarpa) serve as viable habitat for breeding Western Screech Owls (Megascops kennicottii),which have been sighted in the area of concern (Breeding Bird atlas). There are acres of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) throughout these riparian zones which support waking black and grizzly bears in the early spring for forage. It is also breeding grounds for the Western Toad, Western Painted Turtle and White Sturgeon.
Birds found in the Crawford Bay wetlands
1 Canada Goose 46 Willow Flycatcher
2 Tundra Swan 47 Least Flycatcher
3 Wood Duck 48 Hammond’s Flycatcher
4 Blue-winged Teal 49 Dusky Flycatcher
5 Cinnamon Teal 50 Pacific-slope Flycatcher
6 American Wigeon 51 Warbling Vireo
7 Mallard 52 Red-eyed Vireo
8 Green-winged Teal 53 American Crow
9 Canvasback 54 Common Raven
10 Ring-necked Duck 55 Tree Swallow
11 Bufflehead 56 Violet-green Swallow
12 Common Goldeneye 57 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
13 Barrow’s Goldeneye 58 Barn Swallow
14 Hooded Merganser 59 Black-capped Chickadee
15 Common Merganser 60 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
16 Common Nighthawk 61 Red-breasted Nuthatch
17 Vaux’s Swift 62 Pacific Wren
18 Black-chinned Hummingbird 63 American Dipper
19 Anna’s Hummingbird 64 Golden-crowned Kinglet
20 Rufous Hummingbird 65 Mountain Bluebird
21 Sora 66 Townsend’s Solitaire
22 American Coot 67 Veery
23 Sandhill Crane 68 Swainson’s Thrush
24 Killdeer 69 American Robin
25 Wilson’s Snipe 70 Gray Catbird
26 Spotted Sandpiper 71 European Starling
27 Common Loon 72 Cedar Waxwing
28 American Bittern 73 American Pipit
29 Great Blue Heron 74 Pine Siskin
30 Turkey Vulture 75 American Goldfinch
31 Osprey 76 Savannah Sparrow
32 Sharp-shinned Hawk 77 Song Sparrow
33 Bald Eagle 78 Dark-eyed Junco
34 Red-tailed Hawk 79 Red-winged Blackbird
35 Great Horned Owl 80 Brown-headed Cowbird
36 Northern Pygmy Owl 81 Brewer’s Blackbird
37 Belted Kingfisher 82 Northern Waterthrush
38 Red-naped Sapsucker 83 MacGillivray’s Warbler
39 Downy Woodpecker 84 Common Yellowthroat
40 Hairy Woodpecker 85 American Redstart
41 Northern Flicker 86 Yellow Warbler
42 Pileated Woodpecker 87 Yellow-rumped Warbler
43 American Kestrel 88 Wilson’s Warbler
44 Eastern Kingbird 89 Black-headed Grosbeak
45 Western Wood Pewee 90 Lazuli Bunting
91 Bobolink