Government & Services

Regional District of Central Kootenay

As most of the East Shore is comprised of unincorporated villages we depend upon the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) for the provision of services.

RDCK Area A runs from Wynndel to north of Riondel along Kootenay Lake’s East Shore, and has a year-round population of about 2000. Our vacation residents increase this to over 4000 in the summer. There are 900 homes occupied year-round and about 745 more that accommodate summer residents.

The RDCK oversees local planning & development, including land subdivision & building permits. Waste management is another of its important tasks, as is the provision of drinking water, the management of parks, regional transit, emergency planning and fire services.

Our District Representative is Garry Jackman  250-223-8463
For more info, see

The Regional District of Central Kootenay
Office Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm – Monday to Friday (except holidays)
Box 590, 202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson, B.C. V1L 5R4
Toll-Free: 1-800-268-RDCK (7325)
Phone: (250) 352-6665
Fax: (250) 352-9300

Want To Get Involved?

If you are interested in being involved with local Area A boards that deal with issues such as recreation funding, economic development, public safety or community planning, contact our Area A representative Garry Jackman at 250-223-8463 or email

Area A residents did work together with the RDCK and Area A Advisory Planning Committee to develop a land use plan for the East Shore.

Riondel Commission of Management

Riondel was a mining town and had a variety of services built by the mining company.  The Riondel Commission of Management is appointed to oversee some of the community facilities and advises on the water system that is the community water supply.

Riondel Commission of Management
Riondel Community Community Centre
1511 Eastman Avenue

For more information visit

Interior Health Authority

The Interior Health Authority (IHA) manages the East Shore Community Health Centre in Crawford Bay. The East Shore Community Health Center provides 2-3 days per week Locum Doctor & Laboratory services to residents.

East Shore Community Health Centre
Open Monday to Friday
15985 Hwy 3A Crawford Bay
phone: 250-227-9006
fax: 250-227-9017

Area Highways & Roads

Roads in Area A are maintained by Yellowhead Road and Bridge (YRB). Their area office is located in Crawford Bay, 16399 Highway 3A, 250-227-9217 as well as Creston at 600 Helen St. 250-428-7606.
For more road info, check

Columbia Basin Trust

Another important area organization is the Columbia Basin Trust, which supports efforts by the people of the Basin to create a legacy of social, economic, and environmental well-being and to achieve greater self-sufficiency for present and future generations.  CBT website: